Well I'll only really be working for a couple more weeks, mostly 9 more days (yes, I'm counting down). I'm fairly sure that the place I'm working is replacing me (or as they say phasing my position out and getting a more "technically savvy" person) because I'm preggo. Never knew the world was so prejudiced against the preggo population. I'm learning new things everyday. But since I don't exactly like the job and being with out it is definately do-able for Kemp and I, I'm not complaining.
This time off should help me get everything together... The nursery is coming together for sure. Mom came down last weekend to "help"/do everything. We moved all of the stuff out of the guest bedroom. Mom wiped all the walls down, we washed, folded, organized and put away all the baby clothes Connor donated to Jack. Jackson should definately be well clothed for at least 0-3 months. So, please refrain from buying that range. Go for 6 months+. With my luck that child may be in 6 months way sooner than expected! He is Kemp's son.

Most of this on the couch we kept, less a bag and a half. Even still Jackson probably has about 20 tiny onesies, 20 medium tiny onesies and 20 3-6 month onesies. Plus tons of little random outfits, hats, bibs and lots of socks. Quite a bit of clothes for someone that isn't even fully developed yet. But for someone that is so tiny (around a foot long and 1.5 lb) he has does have a mean kick/elbow.
I've been feeling him move around and kick/elbow like crazy lately. He tends to be really active when I'm hungry. I think my stomach growling annoys him a bit. Unfortunately when my mom was here he refused to move. Maybe he's saving his "maw maw" time for when he's out. And yes my mother is thinking about being called "maw maw" which makes her sound like an 80 year-old woman. I'm working on alternatives.
We also got to have a pregnancy photo shoot...it was awesome. Oh that's right...I mostly just look fat, but there were a few that were ok looking. Thanks to Tay the photographer and mom the shoot "organizer."
Super preggo looking at least. This is about 24 weeks.
And I've decided that black and white is much more forgiving...and how cute are these tiny shoes?
That's all for now. Hopefully in the next few days I'll post a couple of crib options, I'm considering about three. I'm also working really hard on my registry!